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Ideas for Research and Project Topics
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You have been assigned to do a research paper about some person or event from the Roosevelt era. Your teacher may have given you a topic, or he or she may have asked you to come up with one of your own choosing. The following list will provide you with a wide variety of broad topic ideas.
Once you have selected a topic, you can Contact the Education Specialist at the Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum's Education Department for primary source information about these topics.
Franklin Roosevelt

- As a boy
- As tree farmer
- As Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- As the Governor
- As the President
- His collections: books, ships, stamps
- His challenges with polio
- His campaigns
- His four terms
- His management style
- His legacy
- His speeches
- The Presidential Library System
Eleanor Roosevelt

- As a girl
- As a young woman
- As First Lady of the United States
- As 'First Lady of the World'
- Her work with the Red Cross
- Her work with the United Nations
- Her work on civil rights
- Her work on women's issues
- Her home at Val-Kill
- Her travels
- Her My Day column
- Her books
- Her legacy
The Great Depression

- The Banking Crisis
- The Dust Bowl
- The New Deal Programs
- Social Security
- CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
- TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
- AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act
- NRA - National Recovery Administration
- FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- WPA - Works Project Administration
- FSA - Farm Security Administration
- Fireside chats
- Judicial Reorganization Plan (Court Packing Plan)
World War II

- Pearl Harbor
- Japanese American internment
- Lend-Lease
- The Four Freedoms
- Wartime Conferences
- FDR and Churchill
- The Rise of Hitler
- The Manhattan Project
- D-Day
- The Tuskegee Airmen
- The Home Front
- Propaganda Posters
- The United Nations.